Digital Twin
Using Artificial Intelligence to create more preventive and personalised healthcare
How can Artificial Intelligence help us in the healthcare of the future?
Anna recovered from cancer two years ago. Her vital parameters are regularly monitored. What’s more, they are compared with parameters of thousands of other patients who have received the same cancer and treatment. This way, anomalies and abnormal parameters can be picked up very quickly, avoiding relapse of the disease at an early stage.
Using Artificial Intelligence to create more preventive and personalised healthcare
This isn’t the distant future, but a development already underway at UZA in the Data Innovation Lab. Vital parameters of UZA patients, as well as patients of our (international) partners, are recorded. This data is then structured and normalised before being stored in the Data Innovation Lab. Using Artificial Intelligence, these huge datasets can be analysed and certain patterns identified. This information can be crucial in detecting abnormal parameters more quickly, enabling preventive and personalised care for our patients.
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What is still experimental today could become a treatment accessible to everyone tomorrow.